
The Camplex HF-TRMSMPTE camera cable on a reel is a great value combining the HF-FUWPUW-M Camplex SMPTE 304M camera cable for high speed uncompressed HD video transmissions with the super high-capacity JackReel-XL-1. This assembly is ideal for broadcast studios, sports arenas, and remote broadcasting trucks for high definition needs over long distances.
The JACKREEL-XL1 features rugged steel construction with round tubing protective frame, non-reflective black matte finish, adjustable cam-lock drag brake for fast cable rollout and storage, and large heavy duty locking caster wheels. The main cable drum is specially engineered to protect the bend radius of fiber optic cables. A special drum divider plate protects connectors and fan-outs separating them from the main cable run during storage and rollout.
Meets or exceeds SMPTE 304M/311M standards.
Available in a variety of lengths.
- Rugged Furukawa hybrid cables
- Split drum for safe and easy connector pigtail storage
- 3-position brake lock: free spool, soft brake, full lock
- Rugged winding handle with storage
- Ultra high-abrasion resistant and load bearing cables
- Excellent flexing and twist capabilities
- Terminations by LEMO certified technicians
- Cable:
- Furukawa TV-OM-AMS SMPTE hybrid optical fiber composite cable
- LEMO FUW and PUW connectors
Reel: - Height 21.187 inches, Without casters 17.875 inches
- Width 21.75 inches
- Depth 17.875 inches