AFL S017103 Fujikura ELCT2-16B Replacement Electrodes are for use with the 31S, 41S, 90S and 90R Fujikura fusion splicers. They are easily replaceable. Tools are not required. Electrode life is approximately 5,000 splices.
AFL's CT08 cleaver is an extremely rugged, durable, and easy to use single fiber cleaver. A thumbwheel on the bottom of the cleaver is utilized for blade rotation, and the blade position...
The CT50 is an industry first cleaver ruggedized to withstand severe shock, including drops up to 30 inches. If needed, the CT50 is field serviceable with all precision components easily replaced in...
The AFL S017090 Fujikura 41S+ Fusion Splicer features Warm Splice Imaging (WSI) loss estimation technology, dual-camera active V-groove fiber alignment and Bluetooth enabled cleaver management. It...
The AFL S017519 Fujikura 90S+ Core Alignment Single Fiber Fusion Splicer, equipped with Bluetooth, offers automated splice operation and a universal sheath clamp that handles both loose and tight...
The AFL S017509 Fujikura 90R Fusion Splicer, designed for fast and precise splicing ribbon fibers (up to 12), features Bluetooth, field-replaceable V-grooves and self-cladding alignment with melting...
The AFL Fujikura 70S+ fusion splicer is the worlds fastest and most robust core alignment fusion splicer on the market. Incorporating the proven ruggedized features pioneered by Fujikura.....
The AFL S017465 Fujikura RT-02 is a universal tool for quick and glue-less ribbonizing 200µm and 250µm loose fibers, as well as splicing 12-fiber ribbons. Fibers load directly into a fiber holder...
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