AFL's CP0129551901-AIAP 12 fiber Singlemode Armored Tight Buffer Indoor Circular Premise Cable design allows for excellent density, flexibility, and ease of routing. Buffered to 900 µm, these cables can be directly terminated into connectors in loaded panels or in communications closets.
Fiber: 8.3/125 Singlemode OS2
Fiber Count: 12
Wavelength: 1300nm/1550nm
Max Attenuation: 0.5/0.5dB/Km
10Gb Min Link Length: 10,000 meters/1300nm
Environment: Indoor
Cable Type: Premise Cable/Distribution
Flame Rating: Plenum OFNP
Jacket Color: Yellow
Nominal Diameter: .51"
Minimum Bend Radius-Long Term: 5.0"
Operating Temperature:0C to +70C